Snowie of Lakeway TN is committed to partnering with local schools in our community. See how inviting us out for school events can be rewarding in so many ways.
A SNOWIE Day is an awesome way for your school to fundraise, and a great opportunity for us to give back to our commmunity. We establish days and times of your choosing, you let your students know when we will be on campus selling (we like to say: Sharing Smiles one Snowie at time!) our product to your students, teachers and staff. At the end of the event we simply cut you a check for your percentage of the proceeds. SNOWIE Days are great for rewarding students & staff, or for any occasion that might call for a Cool, Sweet, Treat!! SNOWIE Days are offered to schools “contract-free”. The service can be cancelled at anytime. We are confident the quality of service and product will speak for itself. So keep us in mind as you plan your fundraising school events, SNOWIE Days can be a great aide to your goal.
School Boosters & PO
So… SNOWIE Days are nice and all, but what about your band program, sports program, and all of the other various extracurricular activities that your school may provide?
We’ve got you covered!!!!
We partner with boosters and PO’s for events; and just like with SNOWIE Days, we gladly contribute a portion of sales earned to help you achieve your goal.
There is no better place than under the stadium lights on Friday night in the fall. We would love to be there with you. We will work along side your school’s general concession during games, complementing the concession experience for your customers and creating extra revenue for your school.
So, if your band needs to raise funds for the annual trip, your football team needs new uniforms, or maybe your PO would love to replace the playground equipment at your elementary school, let us join in your efforts.